Information on the Tranco list with ID XJYZN
This list aggregates the ranks from the lists provided by Crux, Farsight, Majestic, Radar, and Umbrella from 23 February 2025 to 24 March 2025 (30 days). Read more on the methods used by each of these lists and our aggregate list to understand each list's properties and potential shortcomings.
These lists were combined using the Dowdall rule (the first domain gets 1 point, the second 1/2 points, ..., the last 1/N points and unranked domains 0 points). This method roughly reflects the observation of Zipf's law and the ''long-tail effect'' in the distribution of website popularity.
For each list, the 1000000 first domains were used.
The following filters were applied to the domains:
- Only pay-level domains were retained.
Of the aggregated and filtered list, the 1000000 first domains were used.
The list was first generated on 24 March 2025.
Referencing the list
We request that you cite our publication:
@inproceedings{LePochat2019, author = "{Le Pochat}, Victor and {Van Goethem}, Tom and Tajalizadehkhoob, Samaneh and Korczy\'{n}ski, Maciej and Joosen, Wouter", title = "Tranco: A Research-Oriented Top Sites Ranking Hardened Against Manipulation", booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium}, series = {NDSS 2019}, year = 2019, month = feb, doi = {10.14722/ndss.2019.23386}, }
We also advise you to reference the list in your text and include a link to this specific list as a footnote, for example as follows:
* Available at
About us
Feel free to contact us regarding our research, the data or the Tranco ranking: [email protected] (main contact)